Sunday, February 12, 2017

2017 Life Goal

I've never really set goals or resolutions for myself. Okay, I lied. One year I did not shop for the entire year, but other than that, I usually a no goal gal.

This year my only goal is to slow down and say no. 

If I don't want to go to the _______ party, I decline. If I don't want to bring homemade cookies, I bring store bought. If I don't want to throw my 1-year a huge birthday party, I'm not (because he won't even remember). If I don't want to leave the house all weekend, I won't.

The last three weekends we have been at home and done whatever we wanted. And, it has been SO nice. For the first time in a LONG time I don't feel like I'm running on fumes, or that I'm having to shuffle from one event to the next. We are able to be at home and play with G and watch him grow. It's been so nice.

Now that doesn't mean we will decline everything, but Chris and I are both being very picky about how we spend our free time.

Graham is only little for so long and in order to enjoy him, slowing down is a must.

What's your 2017 goal?


  1. Love this goal. I always hate weekends where I feel like I did more running than resting. Sometimes a girl just needs to say no.

    Happy Monday!

  2. I love this!! We do the same things. There are many weekends that we do nothing but hang out as a family. We drive around looking for a new neighborhood, we visit new bbq places, we run errands. The core factor is that we are together as a family and enjoying life together.
    Life you said, they are only young once. We want to enjoy the time with them and make memories together.

  3. This is a great goal...and if you can get use to this now while your little is small it will so save your sanity in future years.

  4. I love this goal! Just saying no and not feeling like you have to have an excuse or reason to. It's just because you simply don't feel like it.
