Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Seriously, make it stop!

Y'all. What is with this time of year?! I NEVER get sick. Ever. Chris NEVER gets sick. EVER. Not only did G go 9 months without anything more than a small cold, we went his whole life (to that point) without getting sick.


Now, we can't get healthy! The week after Christmas G got RSV. Then Chris got a terrible sinus infection. Then I caught the stomach bug. Then G got explosive diarrhea (maybe Rotavirus??) for a solid 10 days. Then I caught the stomach bug, again. Then Chris got another sinus infection. Then G decides he is going to cough all night, every night. Now I have a fever and feel like my head is going to explode.

Someone please tell me our family is not alone in the passing of the sicknesses? It doesn't help that I teach with tons of grubby (but oh so loving!) kids, and G goes to daycare, but still. Can we catch a break?!

Anyways...on a brighter note. Have you ever seen anything cuter than a baby in a bowtie? On the day of my brother's wedding G was running a fever and cutting a tooth, so he wasn't his normal perky self, but he still managed to look absolutely precious.

Graham turns ten months old TOMORROW and this picture of him is exactly how I feel. Ahhhh! I'll have his 9 month update in his 10th month :)

When you have to go to work with an impromptu topknot because you don't have time to finish straightening your hair. My 5th graders thought I was 'so trendy Mrs. Tucker!' 

Shiplap tutorial coming soon! I'm seriously still drooling over how perfect it is!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. The first year is rough! We had the same experiences during our first 15 months with our daughter! ONce spring hit last year, we all got healthy and have had minimal sickness this winter. Daycare and work germs are the worst! You are not alone!

  2. Poor friends. I hope you all feel better soon. Not fun to keep passing it around. I can't believe sweet G is already 10 months old. Holy smokes. Can't wait to see the Shiplap tutorial. Or I'll just have you come add it to my house. Either way.

  3. Oh, I hope you all feel better soon! G is adorable and the shiplap is beautiful!

  4. I feel like that is probably exactly how the half top knot trend got started haha!

  5. man, that is tough, I hope you guys can catch a break soon! That shiplap...swoon!
