Wednesday, March 16, 2016

WIWW: Final Stretch + Link Up

How far along: 36 weeks + 5 days. (These pictures were taken at 34 weeks.)

Baby size: least he feels that way. According to my app he is over 6 pounds and could be as long as 22 inches! Wow!

Sleep: Sleep is still going way better than I was prepared for. I am waking up more when I change positions, but it takes me all of .3 seconds to fall back asleep. I napped a few times over spring break and it was glorious! 

Belly button: It has not popped, but it feels like it could explode! 

Maternity clothes: This shouldn't even be a question anymore. I really need Graham to come before Texas gets any hotter because I don't have any spring maternity clothes and I don't plan on buying any!!

Movement: All. the. time. I still don't feel him move at night...I'm assuming he is moving and I'm just not feeling him. He does wake up when my alarm goes off and let's me know he is ready for breakfast!

Cravings: Still can't get enough water! And lately I am all about the sweets. I've always been a chip and dip person, but I can't resist all the sugar!

Symptoms: My sweet friend is letting me borrow her carpal tunnel braces and they've been lifesavers! My hands were still killing me all last week, so I finally begged her to bring the braces to me :) They help with the numbness and pain at night.

Wedding rings: Still off. Some days hands are swollen, some days they aren't, but, like I said before, it is like my knuckles have grown.

Looking forward to: His arrival! We are ready! I just can't wait to see what he looks like and hold him! 

Nursery progress: We are so, so close! Waiting on the curtains and a few more things. Nothing is urgent, but I'd really like a rug and a pouf

Appointments: We go tomorrow and I'm hoping I have progressed some more! Last week she has he had dropped and I was dilated, so I know he knows the way out!

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.  


  1. OH my gosh you are just the cutest! I hope he comes soon, but not too soon! Want to finish baking him :) Are you guys going to show us pictures when he gets here?

  2. such a great outfit!!! so exciting that he'll be coming soon!

    Simply Shaunacey

  3. Love you and that G baby belly! But for reals...I can only imagine how hot it is there if it's almost 80 degrees here this week. (insert wide eye emoji here)

  4. I always say this but I love reading your updates! Especially because I am pregnant right now with my second and we are only about a month apart. :) You are seriously glowing and I love how happy and excited you look! Keep the updates coming! I can't wait to hear how your delivery goes!

    Simply Rachel Nicole

  5. You're looking amazing! Can't wait for baby Graham's arrival!

  6. Yea for already having some progression!! It's so much better to go into labor on your own. With both my girls I went into labor myself but still had to end up having pitocin to move things along but both my boys would have stayed in forever I was 5 days over and the other 6. I can't believe it's almost go time....I feel like it has gone by so fast. :)

  7. You look great!! Final stretch is always so exciting...and tiring =))

  8. Oh you guys must be SO excited!
