Wednesday, September 16, 2015

WIWW: Shoe Craving + Link Up

Can you tell I'm ready for fall?
According to men, woman have plenty of shoes. According to a woman, you can never have enough. Thankfully God made me a woman, so I will never have enough. Sorry Chris!

In my mind something feels wrong about wearing sandals after September. Yes, Texas can still swim in October, but I feel like ditching the sandals is like humans forcing fall to arrive.

I've been eyeing new booties for weeks now. I couldn't justify buying them when it was still 100 outside, but now that I can see cooler temps ahead, I am ready to pull the trigger and pick out a pair. Sam Edelman has been a fan favorite lately and I'd have to agree.

I know it doesn't really snow here in Texas. We get our once a year the whole town ices over and life stands still weeks, but can't a girl have a need for winter boots with the fur? I mean how cute are ALL of these?!

I'm also taking suggestions for favorite booties! Comment and let me know what you're loving!

PS: If anyone in my family is reading this - it is September and you probably want to start Christmas shopping and, since I'm such a kind person, I just provided you with several options for Santa to pack under the tree. Or you can just give them to me now. I won't mind :)

Now for the link up!

- All I ask is you link back to my blog and link to a specific post.

- Write about something fashion related!

- Instagram @SarahTuckerUp for more outfits and randoms!

Thanks for linking up and to see other WIWW posts, click here.


  1. LOVE that outfit!! I wouldn't think to try plaid and stripes but it totally works!

  2. I'm the opposite of you. I won't give up my sandals until the weather changes, not just the calendar. In Wisconsin, we have long winters, and once I start wearing those boots and booties I will be so sick of them come April. Great outfit. Love your scarf with the striped shirt.

  3. Love this chic transition look!!!


  4. I wished it got a little colder here or snowed occasionally, I would get me a pair of bean boots! Lol always wanted a pair!!

  5. I love the stripes & plaid combo. I picked up the Lucky Betwixt booties in the Nordstrom sale and I am in LOVE with them :) They run a teeny bit small :)

  6. The stripes and the plaid look so fall-y together! Love it! I need this combo in my closet ASAP!

  7. Love the shoes! Cute look! can't wait to rock my hat this's not cold enough to wear it yet! :(

  8. I've never thought of myself as a booties person because my legs are shaped weird but holy crap. I got an awesome pair at DSW and I am obsessed. They are wedges so not really the best for school but I don't even care. haha

  9. I have to ask, where did you get your shirt and scarf? I'm in love with the whole outfit!
