Thursday, May 7, 2015

Things Chris and I argue about

When Chris and I argue it never lasts long because he-who-shall-not-be-named always ends up dancing ridiculously around me or pouncing on me and kissing me all over my face. Usually it is that time of the month when you just want to argue a little, but Chris is so good at knowing when I am just trying to stir the pot.

Our biggest argument ever was on our one year wedding anniversary and since then things have seriously been great. Yes, we argue, but we never lose our cool and always go to bed with one another. Partly because the argument is over, and partly because neither of us want to sleep anywhere else but with one another.

Next month we will celebrate our three year wedding anniversary and there are still things that we argue about that I feel will never go away:

1. Having the TV on while going to sleep. Chris insists he has to have the TV on to fall asleep and I know for a fact I have to have it off. Every. Single. Night. we lay there and the TV is on and I wait for Chris to start breathing heavy and I know he is asleep. Right when I move to get the remote he wakes up and tries to convince me he was watching. And every night he turns the TV off and says, "I'm doing this for you, but I'm not happy about it." Then we both giggle and fall asleep. I try to tell him that it isn't fair that he gets the TV on every night when I can't sleep with it. He argues that it isn't fair that it be turned off when he needs it to fall asleep. I suggested a schedule where we alternate having the TV on and off, but that has yet to happen. He does have wireless headphones that help, but the bright lights are what bother me! I've tried a sleep mask, but my eyes were always hurting and I can't put a pillow over my head because I'm claustrophobic, so I guess this problem is not solved.

2. Washing the dishes and soaking the dishes. I cook and Chris cleans. Sometimes his cleaning is not cleaning at all. He fills the sink up with water and 'does' the dishes, aka soaks them until I get fed up and just wash them and put them in the dishwasher. He always giggles at how impatient I am, but I just don't get why he can't just wash them right then.

3. Last minute laundry. Chris gets really dirty at his job. So dirty that he takes off his clothes in the laundry room and goes straight to the shower. He manages a manufacturing plant where they make copper rod for building wire, so he literally has metal shavings all over him! Anyways, sometimes Chris will wake up out of a dead sleep and say, "I don't have any work clothes for tomorrow!" and then he will proceed to ask me if I'll get up and put a load in for him. If you know me, you know what my reaction is like. In a nice way I tell him, "no." It always makes me laugh because right then he starts saying how he will do anything for me blah, blah, blah, but I always tell him that he should have remembered and it is his grown man responsibility. He begrudgingly always gets out of bed and puts the load in and, being the sweet wife I am (and because I adore him!) I always agree to wake up and put the clothes in the dryer. I guess this one isn't an argument, but it always makes me laugh how he thinks that I am going to willingly pop out of bed to go do his laundry! Boys! (And this is a totally different story when I am off during the summers! During the summer I attempt to be super-wife!)

4. Shows we watch. The Voice and some reality shows that Chris would rather me not mention, are the few shows we watch together. If we want to be in the same room watching TV, but none of "our" shows are on, we always go back and fourth on what show we want to watch. It always ends up that I stay in the living room and he goes to the man-cave, or I blog while he watches whatever terrible show he chooses. Either way we love to snuggle (as cheesy as that sounds), so I'm willing to not watch TV (sometimes!) to get in some extra cuddles!

What do you and your man argue about that you feel is never going to go away? I'd love to hear!


  1. My husband used to have the TV on to fall asleep as well, and I couldn't stand it! So we actually bought a fan that sits on the floor and makes noise and it works for him! He just needed noise, and I don't mind it because it doesn't have any lights, and the noise is constant. We now BOTH need a fan wherever we sleep! We take it with us everywhere we go when we are staying the night somewhere! Just an idea to try!

  2. My husband does not rinse dishes before the puts them in the dishwasher and our machine is old and crappy. He also watches his shows from the bedroom while I watch mine in the living room. He watches maybe one or two shows with me.

    1. Men! All we ask is to do the dishes and they still manage to make a mess out of it :)

  3. Oh my gosh yes and he'll argue that and say we don't! I cook, he "cleans" and he does the soak for days thing but he'll go a step further and only put the dishes that he used, or that we used that night, into the dishwasher and not the ones he had soaking. While he has ample clothes to wear and could go days without doing laundry, he does at least a load a day so he can wear the same stuff over and over. Men!!

    1. Chris throw tupperware away ALL THE TIME because he refuses to wash it if it has been sitting by the sink for a couple days. He is so silly!

  4. Men! Hahah! Blake is really good about emptying the dishwasher but not putting the dirty dishes from the sink into the dishwasher once it's empty. Drives me BONKERS. Also if he doesn't know where something goes in the kitchen he just puts it on top of the cabinets. Why?!

  5. I love this! One of our biggest arguments was about a pop up tent...for some reason I pulled it out one day and didn't think it was ours because it was white and I was insistent ours was black. We argued about it like it was a life or death finally got dropped. A few weeks later on our anniversary he left me a note about with my gift that included something really sweet and then a ps..the tent was always white. HAHAHA...I carry it in my wallet to this day to remind me some things are not worth arguing about.

  6. Haha too funny!! We just got married in July but my husband apparently thinks the kitchen table is his desk and puts all of his papers and mail on it. I am constantly cleaning it off!

    1. Same here! We have piles of paper all over the kitchen because Chris insists on "filing" them away even though we have auto-pay on all our bills and I can just look up the receipt!

  7. oh my gosh! I swear we are the exact same! Minus the laundry! TV at night-same. TV shows…same! I always stick around just to be able to hangout with him haha! My husband HATES dishes…he always helps me in the kitchen in the evening and will do the pots and pans...but for some reason during the day putting the dish into the dishwasher is the hardest task ever for him. (he manages a ranch where we live so eats at home). Another thing…is he cannot seem to find his dirty hamper! He has three…and clothes hardly ever make it in there! I love all these little quirks though because they make me and him, us! :) Like you said, they aren't even arguments anymore!

    1. So funny! Men! I just don't think they will ever learn!

  8. My husband "soaks" the dishes too and I can't stand it! I don't understand the point and then he leaves the water in the sink and if I want to drain it I have to put my hand through icky wet food water - yuck!!

    1. I know!!! Chris always says, " is gross and I don't want to touch the nasty water!" And I always reply with,"And you think I WANT to??" One of us has to do it! Men!
