Sunday, February 23, 2014

Less than a week...

When we moved in - April 2012
The big move is this Saturday and we couldn't be more excited! We spent all weekend packing, packing, packing!

I take that back. Friday night we met Amber and Jordan for dinner. It was SO nice catching up with them! We love this couple and are making it a point to see them more often!

Now, for Saturday. Literally we packed...all day long. From the time we woke up to the time we went to sleep.

I have a feeling posts this week and next will be few and far between. Our internet gets cut off on Friday night, and we don't get it installed in our new house until March 8th, so I am guessing it will be hit or miss if I get to blog or not. Chris and I will be getting a lot of quality time in together with no TV or internet distractions.

Follow me on instagram @sarahtuckerup for sneak peek pictures of our new house!

Happy Monday!

Linking up with Leeann Kimberlee!



  1. YAAAY!! Good luck that everything goes smoothly!!

  2. So exciting! Found you on the Monday Morning Gossip link up. Stop by and say hi sometime!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  3. Yippeeeee!!! We close on our house TOMORROW!!!! Eeeek!! :)

  4. Cannot wait to see the house on Instagram!!! You better post often so I don't miss them. :)

  5. I'm so excited for y'all and can't wait to see pictures!

  6. Look at you guys in your empty love nest....cannot wait to see the new place and how it all comes together....please text me pictures!!!! Boo for no internet for almost a week!! But, this is so much more important than blog and social media world!!

  7. That's so exciting! My husband and I sold our house last summer and we finally found the perfect house to buy. We move in a month. Enjoy your new place!!!!
