Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I screamed tourist with the Red Hat Ladies

With my camera holstered around my neck, I left the hotel and set my sites on the World of Coca-Cola. I hadn't even left the block before two guys asked me where I was from. I replied Dallas and they responded with, "the camera gives it away..." I laughed and told them I was well aware I was screaming lost tourist from Texas. 

My adventures of yesterday were quite hilarious. Not only was my giant camera a dead giveaway that I was off to pay an overpriced fee for the consumption of eight gallons of Coke, but I also had the most wonderul experience touring the CNN Headquarters...with the Red Hat Ladies themselves.

Cha-heckkk out those outfits! Ow owww.
While waiting in line to tour the facility I got slightly sad. My Meme was a Red Hat Lady and at that moment, I missed her greatly. She was adorable, just as these ladies were coming off. 

As the tour began I started to take note of some of the comments spewing out of the Red Hat Ladies mouths. Everyone was laughing at everything they said.

While going down the stairs - "These trifocals sure are tricky when going down stairs. I mean, I have to look straight down!"

Also while going down the stairs, one lady said to another, slower moving lady - "You're not moving along like a crab. That's great!"

After the tour guide mentioned that HLN is CNN's sister network - "I hope that Nancy lady isn't here. She just goes on and on about those trials. I really just want to tell her to shut the ffffff up..."

One feisty oldie volunteered to sit at the news desk and read off the teleprompter - (In her heavy Northern accent..) "These lights is blindin'. (She holds hand above eyes as though to shield the light.) You've got to be kidding me! I can't see a thing." Everyone was dying laughing!

There must have been a Red Hat Lady convention mixed in with the Interwire convention Chris was attending. Basically my time in Atlanta was spent with old men with huge guts dressed in boring navy suits, and Red Hat Ladies. It was a tough decision, but I think our next vacation will be at the beach with people who can't yet order off the senior citizen menu. 

Don't get me wrong, Atlanta treated me so, so well. 

I will have a full recap of my time in the ATL when I get back to Texas!

Flying home as you read this. Happy Thursday!


  1. haha, so funny! Love old ladies and no filters!

  2. Those pictures are hilarious... Excited for the recap. Glad you got a post tax season break.

  3. I love picking out the Red Hat Ladies in the purple something they planned too?

  4. I LOVE the Coke Factory! I was telling Kevin we need to take the boys there and to a Braves game this summer!

  5. Seriously love these pictures! We will so be the traveling Red Hat Ladies in 40 years! ;)
