Friday, July 13, 2012

A Wedding Photoshoot: Staged

As if getting to marry my best friend wasn't enough fun to have in one particular white dress, Chris and I got the honor of being asked to do a photo shoot by Britney at Tucker Images to help create a portfolio for Bow Woods Florist.

Any excuse to get all fancy in my weddin' dress is a plus in my book! Britney is an AMAZING (literally!) photographer and my bouquet was absolutely stunning! It was fun to get to play "model" bride and groom. We are oh so grateful for these pictures because we felt slightly rushed at our wedding. I'm not sure if rushed is the correct word, but we felt like spending an hour taking lovey-dovey pictures while our guests starved themselves waiting for us to get the party started was a not-so-nice gesture. So we opted for the group pics and a couple of individual shots and called it a wrap. Our wedding photographers Jessica and Audrey, from The Red Dirt Studio, were amazing and I can't wait to see our real wedding pictures in a couple of weeks! 

We took the pictures with Britney in downtown Frisco. It was a perfect evening. The Texas heat was not a killer, my hair (yes, I did my own up-do!) turned out way better than expected, and my handsome husband brought his top notch GQ skills to the table. Isn't he adorable?! 

We are in no way professional models, but sometimes it is fun to feel like you are! We got tons of "Congratulations!" and "Y'all look beautiful!" comments while literally stopping traffic so Britney could get the perfect shot. And as ironic as it is, Tucker Images is in no way, shape or form related to just happens that our last name is Tucker and you can read why Britney named her company, Tucker Images, over on her blog!

We are so excited to have gotten the opportunity to do this and a HUGE thanks to Britney! You can check ALL our photo shoot images out on her blog!

Have you ever gotten to do an oh-so-cool photo shoot?!?! Tell me about it!


  1. beautiful pics! i think i am your first follower! yayyy! oh and your pups are too stinking cute!

    1. Thank you!! So excited to have you as my very first follower! There will be many (probably too many!) future posts about those little spoiled stinkers, but they sure are cute! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. This is so awesome! A month after I got married, my wedding photographer and I took a trip to Walden Pond in MA so I could go for a swim... in my wedding dress! It was SO fun and some of those pictures are my absolute favorite of me in my dress! You can see them here... . If you haven't trashed your own dress, you have to do it! :)
