Monday, March 20, 2017

Life in 5

Happy Monday (almost Tuesday!), friends! We had a full weekend and I'm so excited to show off what we've been up to!

1. Thursday night my best friend invited me to the Vouch Dating App launch in Dallas. The app is genius. Basically, I get to "vouch" for my friend, who is single. I get to finally swipe left or right and I'm not even risking my marriage doing it. It is so fun!! 

Anyways, the launch was at The Rustic and Sean and Catherine were there. I met her a few months back and she totally remembered me! They are as sweet as they seem and I was happy to run into her again. 

2. Friday evening Graham got to 'model' (a term used veryyyy losely) for the most precious children's boutique, Olive & Gray. I'm obsessed with their clothes. The little gray romper G is wearing is the softest thing ever!

3. Saturday we worked all day on signs and prep for Flea Style! If you're in the Dallas area April 7-8th, come see me! Flea Style is a huge show held at Fair Park. Come, it will be amazing! After working hard all day, we went to a baby shower for our sweet friends who are expecting a baby girl in May. Graham was fascinated with the flamingos in the pool.

4. Graham and his two Pops. I can't thank these two enough. They both willingly worked their tails off all day Sunday for me. Literally did anything I asked. We are so blessed to have such helpful family to help our little business thrive!

5. My brother and his wife stayed with us last night. They are up because my SIL has an interview for a nursing position up in this area, so prayers for her! We'd LOVE to have them close to us. Graham loved getting in some aunt and uncle time and would love it more if we got to see them on a regular basis!

PS: Her shoulder surgery from their wreck went well. As you can see, she is still in a sling, but thanks for all the prayers. She is doing great!


  1. When you mentioned your brother and SIl I though oh how is she doing. And then you updated us. Thanks for that. So glad you have family to help. I don't know how we would do it all. Love that whole outfit. So cute!!!

  2. Girl...we are bound to meet eventually! If I'm recognizing the area correctly you had Grahams photo shoot at the Arboretum? We were there on Saturday!!!
