Monday, July 27, 2015

Life Lately: A Photo Dump

After talking about being bored, I've submersed myself in stuff. Lots of family time, lots of road trips, lots of getting out of the house. Here is what I've been up to!

My Mom and Dad came up to our house for six days. We went to my cousin's wedding shower, shopped, cooked, laughed, and had a good ol' time. My Mom and I are in love with the show Fixer Upper, so when I was taking my Mom back home (my Dad left from Dallas to go work in a different city) on Tuesday we decided to stop in Waco at the Magnolia Market. My review: it is absolutely adorable, but overpriced and I've seen numerous items at Hobby Lobby for much cheaper. I'm sure at one point the items were more unique, but since the show has blown up I'm sure it is impossible to keep inventory of those more unique items. 

This was the first time I've been back to my hometown since the historic floods hit. As I was driving around my jaw was dropped in awe of the damage done. I've seen pictures, but to see the damage in person is heartbreaking. 

My brother and his friends play 'Tennis Tuesdays', so I joined in on the fun. The tennis courts are at my old elementary school. It made me feel old thinking how long ago I was there. 

My little cousin and I enjoyed frozen Gogurts after a swim.

On my way back home I stopped in Austin to have breakfast with my granddad. He will be 90 this year and is still as funny as ever! We always tell him to smile and he says, "I AM smiling!" #noyourenot

While I was in my hometown I got to model for a new wedding venue in town. It was fun putting on my wedding dress for the fifth time!! 

I got back home Thursday afternoon and I think it is safe to say someone missed me...

To get out of the house, I've been visiting Chris at work more. Or at least meeting him for lunch. On this day I picked up lunch for him and all his workers because they had set a record in production. Since I delivered the food I got to enjoy a plate of my own!

Friday evening, Chris, his best friend Jake, and I (and the pups!) set out to Chris's parent's house. Saturday Chris and Jake went to the annual "Guy's Day" where a bunch of dads and sons go ALL day long doing activities: breakfast, golf, bowling, swimming, ping-pong, etc. They were pooped when they got home. The girls celebrated Lauren at her wedding shower!

After the shower Lauren and I swam and tanned/burned. 

As you might have noticed, posts have been a little inconsistent, but that juts means that I'm over here livin' life!

Happy Monday! The days of summer are dwindling and I'm over here just trying to soak it all in!


  1. beautiful dress! looks like you are having tons of fun!

  2. The picture of you and your mom is too cute. :) So is the one of your and your granddad! It looks like you've been having a lot of fun and soaking up summer! Love seeing you happy and smiling!

  3. oh that flooding damage is so awful! so sad.
    I love that you got to put on your wedding dress! you look gorgeous, per usual.

  4. So jealous you visited Magnolia! Lots of fun stuff!! How fun to model in your very own wedding dress no less. ;)

  5. So jealous you went to Magnolia!!

  6. Aw, man! I had figured everything was really pricey but comparable items to HobLob? Buuuummeeer.

    It looks like you've had such a fun summer! I don't even want to think about going back - two weeks!! 😁😟

    1. Everything IS really pricey! But I literally have seen the same things at Hobby Lobby for a fraction of the cost!

      Two weeks....ahhhh! Time flies!

  7. Soak it up! I would agree with your assessment of Magnolia.
