Monday, December 3, 2012

A Little Weekend Wrap Up

It seems as though you get married and you no longer have free weekends. Does anyone else feel that way? I mean we have no kids - other than furbabies - and neither of us work on the weekends, so shouldn't that be the time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate? HA! I must be dreaming!

This weekend, much like all the others ever since June 16th, was jam packed with stuff. Stuff ranging from my company Christmas party on Friday night, to girls night Saturday night, to homework all day Sunday. Sounds exciting, right?

Friday night was so fun! My company hosted our Christmas party at the Addison Convention Center. The night was jam packed with roulette and dancing...and eating. Can't forget eating. I have a great group of friends that I work with, so it was like a night out on the town with free food, drinks, and entertainment. Doesn't get much better than that!

The event went from 6:30 PM until 11:45 PM. That put Chris and I home at about 1:00 AM, after dropping off our friends. Let me just say that Chris and I are old people trapped in young people bodies. Literally. Getting to bed well after 1:00 AM was kill-ahhhh! So Saturday got off to a late in we woke up at 11:45 AM!!! Yes people, we slept in like a couple of party animal college kids just livin' the dream. Yet we felt like death when we woke up. Not death caused by alcohol intake, rather death because we never stay up that late and were obviously exhausted from the week. No kidding, I woke up thinking it was maybe nine and was proud that I finally allowed my body to "sleep in." When I saw 11:47 AM, I giggled with excitement that I finally was not woke up by a dog, alarm clock, or snoring husband. Chris on the other hand was bummed that he burned half the day sleeping. Why do men think like that?! Weirdo. 

Saturday afternoon was filled with me doing homework in my PJ's and Chris eating, then napping, then eating, then napping. In that order. (side note: we are usually super productive, but sometimes you just have to recharge!) We went for a run/walk with the dogs because I couldn't slack on my training for my big race. We got about half way in and Chris said his knee hurt, yet he was still running so. freaking. fast. that Bailey was pulling me in order to keep up with her Daddy and Wrigley. Basically I am saying that I just about sprinted the entire run. Now is the time to feel sorry for me. Thank you. I am that girl who gets pulled by her dog while trying to look so lovely just jogging along. Embarrassing.

Saturday night I had a dinner date with my girlies at Taverna. Ummmm if you are in the Dallas area you must go there. So good. I inhaled my pasta - that which I cannot name because it was not in English. Me and my besties just chit chatted and caught up on life. I just love hangin' with the girls, but ten o'clock hit and I was ready to be at home with my main squeeze. Lame-o, I know.

My face has obviously not seen the sun in a very long time. Ghost.
Sunday started with a good sermon at church then Chris headed out and about with his mom to go Christmas shopping (he came home and filled my stocking, so that is a good sign!). I went back home and did more homework. Whomp whomp. So exciting I can hardly contain my excitement. Soreadyformaytobehere!

And here I am Sunday night preparing for another week ahead. Why can't weekends be longer? Why does Monday through Friday drag then the weekend is like Usain Bolt, fast?

PS: I did do more Christmas decorating, but you have to wait for the big reveals coming this week!

Happy Monday everyone! May your coffee be strong and your yawns minimum!


  1. I live in the Addison area!! I was unaware that Addison had a convention center though. I may have to make my fiance take me to Taverna, now. I am sold.

  2. Yuhp, you had a super busy weekend! Blehh to Homework right? Oh well, what must be done... We have a Taverna here in Miami and it is amazing!! Great weekend Hun (:

    Happy Holidays <3

  3. Stopping by from weekend update...Wow! You had a busy busy weekend! I always love dinner with my girlfriends. Can't wait to see your Christmas decorations!

  4. Stopping by from the blog hop. I totally understand what you mean about busy weekends! Love your blog and looking forward to reading more!

  5. Here from 'Mingle Monday'- cute blog!

  6. Oh my gosh, your Friday/Saturday was like our Saturday/Sunday! We, too, got up at 11:45 and it was SO unlike us but SO nice!! I may or may not have even fallen back asleep a little while after that. Sometimes it's good just to do nothing.

  7. Newest follower from Mingle Monday! Omg-- your weekend sounds like ours. What I wouldn't give for a weekend to just relax... Lol

  8. Sounds like you had a great weekend although busy!! Here from the Mingle Monday.

  9. Hey there! New follower from the crazy mama blog hop! Cute blog

  10. Sounds like a great Weekend :) Is it Friday yet?

  11. Seriously, I love the way you write! I was just laughing along & felt like I was right there with you! Love your outfits and that pasta sounds SO good right now!! We had a late night Saturday night and slept until 9:45 the next day and were proud of ourselves too :) We, like you all, are old people stuck in young bodies!! haha!! Hope your Monday wasn't to brutal!

  12. First you are too cute! Love your striped dress! I need one stat! Where did you get it? #prettypleaseshare

    So happy to have found you thru the hop! I've been sucked in and have been reading your past posts for a good 30 min. I felt myself nodding after relating to so many things! My husband is the same way when we "waste" the day sleeping. Sometimes a girl needs to recoup :) #feelingoldsomedaystoo

    Very cool about your upcoming race!! I just did my first 5k and felt like a rockstar! Good luck I'm sure you'll do fab! Looking forward to following your adventures! XOXO

    Kristine from The Foley Fam {unedited} Blog

    1. The dress is from Target for....$13! Woo hoo! I got it a couple months ago and wasn't sure about it, but I am in love now!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!!
