Monday, August 20, 2012

I Workout...With a Six Year Old

This past weekend some of my family was up in the Dallas area celebrating the sixth year of life of one special little dude, Jacob. Jacob is the son of my "not-blood-but-closer-than-a-blood-sister" Holly and her husband Trevor.

We went out to eat Saturday night, but while waiting on Chris to get to the hotel, Jacob was dying to go to to "exercise room."

Here is what we did:

I think we have a future body builder on our hands. It is hard for a six year old to grasp the concept of a treadmill, but all the other machines were "easy." Ha, wait until you age a bit, buddy, then ask your body if anything in a gym is "easy."

I demonstrated the treadmill for all of .2 miles until I decided to I didn't want to break my "no-working-out-streak" of well over four months. Jacob was eager to try out all the machines and he even proclaimed that he was sweating. Gotta love a good sweat.

Is he not the most precious thing?! I bet your wrokout partner isn't as cute as mine!

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